Snow Storm

Strong snow storms can be life threatening, especially when power outages occur and supplies become limited or hard to obtain. Learn how to be better prepared for snow storms and survive when they become threats.

Coronavirus vs the Spanish Flu

July 19, 2021
Everything from famine, desertification, war, and of course diseases, have riddled human history for centuries now. Most recently, another life altering event shook Earth’s populace: the outbreak of COVID-19.
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How Covid-19 Created More Preppers

August 3, 2022
The day the Covid-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic was like every other day. The working class got ready for the routine hustle and bustle, the subway in NYC was already packed with commuters and Congress was probably passing a new law. Yet, such a regular day is permanently ingrained in the records of history...and no-one wants to be caught with their pants down like that again.
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The Dos & Don'ts During a Hurricane

September 10, 2022
While not all hurricanes are severe and deadly, it would be silly and reckless to treat any category of hurricane casually. There are some standard dos and don’ts to adhere to during a hurricane. While these guidelines can depend on the storm category, if you want to err on the side of caution, these should be adhered to no matter the severity.
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Survival Uses for Plastic Wrap

July 8, 2023
Knowledge and materials are essential for preparedness. Plastic wrap is a low-cost material that many people overlook for survival considerations. You've likely fought your fair share of battles with plastic wrap when ripping a piece out of the box or attempting to cover a bowl of leftovers, but its stickiness is one of its most valuable advantages for survival.
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