Prepper Essentials: Understanding the Different Survival Bag Options

July 14, 2023
When it comes to being prepared for a disaster situation, having the right gear and supplies is essential. This is where survival bags come in handy. Survival bags help to store and transport your emergency gear and supplies.
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Survival Uses for Plastic Wrap

July 8, 2023
Knowledge and materials are essential for preparedness. Plastic wrap is a low-cost material that many people overlook for survival considerations. You've likely fought your fair share of battles with plastic wrap when ripping a piece out of the box or attempting to cover a bowl of leftovers, but its stickiness is one of its most valuable advantages for survival.
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Survival Sewing Kit

February 2, 2023
Natural disasters, emergency situations, and the common clothing mishap can all require the benefits from your survival sewing kit. From needing stitches to patching your ripped pants, keeping a sewing kit in your EDC or Go bag won’t be wasted.
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Making Room for Preparedness Supplies

August 10, 2022
Preparation supplies, also known as ‘preps’, are an essential part of the Prepper Life. Throughout your journey of becoming a survivalist you will most definitely amass a collection of supplies to ensure you are prepared for all scenarios. Making room for all those supplies is the tricky part.
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EDC Bag Basics

July 15, 2022
The main idea behind an EDC bag (Every Day Carry Bag) is to carry it daily. Your bag should contain some essential survival goods to secure your survival in an emergency. You can wear a backpack or keep a bag in the car that will accompany you daily in and out of your house.
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Chicory: The Versatile Plant

July 1, 2022
Chicory is a rather useful plant, although many ley-men regard it as a weed. Chicory roots, leaves, and flowers are all beneficial in more ways than one. The entire plant is food in one form or another. It's widespread growth, full use properties, and it's rich nutrients make for a one powerful plant. Chicory is a great alternate food source and comes in handy when supplemental nutrients are needed.
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Get Home Bag

June 16, 2022
Disaster can strike at any time, and the goal of being a prepper is to be prepared for both the expected and the unexpected. A survival/preparedness kit stocked with the essentials might be the very thing that can guarantee your safe return home if you find yourself stranded with no way to get quick help.
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Sodium Chloride IV Kits

November 29, 2021
Salt is so commonplace and so often used in the kitchen that we forget it serves more critical purposes. Sodium chloride (salt) and sodium chloride solution make for essential items everyone should have in their survival kit.
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Duct-Tape: The Secret Weapon?

December 17, 2016
Duct-Tape is a common house hold item, but most people don’t know everything that could be fixed, created or done using this product. I can guess, when you want to be sure that something sticks well you probably reach for the Duct-Tape.
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Good 'Ol Trusty Knife

June 24, 2016
America is the land of the gun. Our heroes, from the iconic cowboy, to the Prohibition-era G-man, to the modern-day action hero are defined by their guns. However, while the gun is certainly a loud and boastful tool, it lacks the utility of the knife.
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