
Crisis, disaster, emergency or a survival situation can occur in many different ways at any time. Learn how to be prepared and survive when SHTF.

A crisis is a period of intense difficulty or danger. It is a time of great upheaval and disturbance in which a difficult or important decision must be made. A crisis can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a natural disaster, economic hardship, political instability, or social unrest. It can also be the result of a personal or family emergency. A crisis typically requires urgent action to prevent further harm or damage.

The Dos & Don'ts During a Hurricane

September 10, 2022
While not all hurricanes are severe and deadly, it would be silly and reckless to treat any category of hurricane casually. There are some standard dos and don’ts to adhere to during a hurricane. While these guidelines can depend on the storm category, if you want to err on the side of caution, these should be adhered to no matter the severity.
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Hiroshima & Nagasaki: The Effects of a Nuclear Bomb

February 10, 2023
World war II saw the catastrophic events that lead to the deployment of the first ever and second uses of a nuclear warhead.
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Understanding the Cuban Missile Crisis

June 6, 2023
Nuclear warfare is a military conflict or prepared political strategy that uses nuclear weapons, one of the most dangerous feats of military technology on earth.
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Industrial Cyber Attacks: What to Know

July 7, 2023
As the internet grows and technology improves, industries have become increasingly reliant on them. Unfortunately, this has inadvertently led to increased threats of cyberattacks.
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