Food Preservation

Preppers prioritize food preservation through canning, dehydration, and freezing to ensure long-lasting and nutritious supplies for emergencies.

Food preservation is a crucial aspect of prepping for emergencies or disasters. Preppers understand the importance of having access to nutritious and safe food supplies during times of crisis when grocery stores may not be an option. One common method of food preservation for preppers is canning. Canning allows preppers to store various foods such as fruits, vegetables, and meats for an extended period without the need for refrigeration.

Another popular food preservation technique among preppers is dehydration. Dehydrating food removes moisture, preventing the growth of bacteria and mold. Dehydrated foods are lightweight, making them easy to transport in bug-out bags or emergency kits. Preppers often dehydrate fruits, vegetables, and even meats to create compact, long-lasting food supplies that can be rehydrated and consumed when needed.

Freezing is also a common method of food preservation for preppers. While freezing requires access to electricity, preppers often invest in backup power sources such as generators or solar panels to ensure their frozen food supplies remain viable during power outages. By freezing foods such as meats, fruits, and vegetables, preppers can extend the shelf life of their provisions and maintain a diverse range of food options in their emergency stockpile.

Basic Preparedness: Food

January 2, 2017
Among the three basic necessities of food, water, and power, food plays a significant role in ensuring our well-being during emergencies.
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Basic Preparedness: Water

January 3, 2017
Water is a crucial element for survival, and as preppers, it's essential to have a well-thought-out plan for ensuring an adequate supply of water for your family in emergency situations.
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Survival: Hydration

September 13, 2015
We don’t really appreciate how much water we use, until we don’t have it to use anymore. Water is the keystone to all survival – we cannot live more than a couple days without it, we cannot raise crops or livestock without it, and we cannot keep clean and free of diseases without it.
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Rainwater Collection 101

June 28, 2022
Rainwater collection, or harvesting rainwater, is simply collecting the run-off rainwater from a structure to store for future use. This water can be used in a multitude of ways. When purified, rainwater can be used for various household activities; including drinking and cooking. Since rainwater is quite clean, deep purification isn't always necessary, especially when used for irrigation, gardening, or laundry.
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