
Sustainable living is the practice of generating your own food, water and power supply for long term survival without the dependencies that will be in short supply in a crisis situation.

Sustainability is the practice of meeting current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Preppers, on the other hand, focus on preparedness for a wide range of scenarios, from natural disasters to economic collapse. While these may seem like disparate concepts, preppers understand the importance of sustainability in ensuring their long-term survival in any situation.

Preppers prioritize sustainability as a key component of their preparedness efforts. By reducing waste, conserving resources, and building resilient systems, preppers ensure that they can weather any storm without relying on outside assistance. This intersection of sustainability and prepping highlights the shared goals of self-sufficiency and resilience.

Food security is a top priority for preppers, who understand the importance of having a reliable food source in times of crisis. Many preppers practice sustainable food production methods such as gardening, composting, and food preservation techniques to ensure they have a steady supply of nutritious food.

Water is essential for survival, making water conservation and management crucial for preppers. Rainwater harvesting, water purification techniques, and responsible water usage are common practices among preppers to ensure they have an adequate supply of clean water at all times.

Energy self-sufficiency is another key aspect of prepping for emergencies. Preppers often turn to renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind turbines, and hydroponics to reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources and ensure they have power in any situation.

Waste & Recycling
Proper waste management is essential in emergency situations where resources may be scarce. Preppers focus on reducing waste, repurposing materials, and recycling whenever possible to minimize their environmental impact and make the most of limited resources.

Survival: Hydration

September 13, 2015
We don’t really appreciate how much water we use, until we don’t have it to use anymore. Water is the keystone to all survival – we cannot live more than a couple days without it, we cannot raise crops or livestock without it, and we cannot keep clean and free of diseases without it.
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Rainwater Collection 101

June 28, 2022
Rainwater collection, or harvesting rainwater, is simply collecting the run-off rainwater from a structure to store for future use. This water can be used in a multitude of ways. When purified, rainwater can be used for various household activities; including drinking and cooking. Since rainwater is quite clean, deep purification isn't always necessary, especially when used for irrigation, gardening, or laundry.
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Boiling Water: The Cleansing Begins

July 12, 2017
Water is the most plentiful element on Earth, covering nearly 75 percent of the surface. The bad news? most of it is salt water or polluted.
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Chicory: The Versatile Plant

July 1, 2022
Chicory is a rather useful plant, although many ley-men regard it as a weed. Chicory roots, leaves, and flowers are all beneficial in more ways than one. The entire plant is food in one form or another. It's widespread growth, full use properties, and it's rich nutrients make for a one powerful plant. Chicory is a great alternate food source and comes in handy when supplemental nutrients are needed.
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