
Authorities warned of dangerous tidal surges, flash floods and landslides as Typhoon Mawar blows past the northernmost province of Batanes from Tuesday to Wednesday.

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Preppers engage in preparedness activities with the ultimate goal of survival. Survival is a fundamental instinct that has been ingrained in living organisms through the process of evolution. The drive to survive is what has propelled the development of various species on Earth, including humans. Preparing for emergencies and disasters is a way for individuals to ensure their survival in the face of adversity and uncertainty. By anticipating potential risks and taking proactive measures, preppers seek to increase their chances of making it through challenging situations.

The essence of preparedness lies in the acknowledgment of the unpredictable nature of life and the environment. Through discussions on survival skills and preparedness strategies, preppers aim to equip themselves and others with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate uncomfortable and dangerous situations successfully. By sharing insights and experiences related to survival, preppers help foster a culture of resilience and self-reliance within their communities. The emphasis on preparedness is not just about surviving but also about thriving in adverse conditions.

Teaching people how to survive challenging circumstances is a way to empower individuals and promote a sense of control over their destinies. By embracing preparedness as a lifestyle and honing survival skills, individuals can build confidence in their ability to confront emergencies head-on. Through education and training on survival techniques, preppers hope to instill a sense of readiness and resourcefulness in others. Ultimately, the drive to prepare for survival stems from a deep-rooted instinct to overcome obstacles and ensure one's continuity in the face of uncertainty.

Surviving with No Running Water

May 28, 2024
Several occurrences can lead to water contamination or no running water. For instance, a blizzard could freeze pipes, an earthquake could burst pipes, or flooding can cause water reservoirs to be contaminated.

What to Do When a Tornado Hits

May 2, 2024
Knowing what to do when a tornado hits is critical to surviving. These deadly twisters claim hundreds of lives annually, know what to do when strikes your neighborhood!

Survivalist Vehicles: Affordable Off-Grid Options for Survivalists

April 2, 2024
In uncertain times, being prepared for the unexpected is essential for survivalists. Many individuals are investing in survivalist vehicles, which can help them go off-grid, and off roaf, when things take a turn for the worst.

Bug Out Vehicle: Gas vs Electric for Survivalists

February 9, 2024
One of the key questions that survivalists often grapple with is whether to choose a gas-powered vehicle or an electric one for their escape plan.

20 Tips for Solo Camping Preparedness

February 6, 2024
Camping is an exciting and adventurous activity, and it can be even more thrilling when you venture out alone. However, for solo campers, especially solo women campers, it's crucial to prioritize safety and preparedness to ensure a positive and secure camping experience.

Crafting Survival Snow Shelters

January 4, 2024
Survival in winter demands mastery of three essentials: proper food & water, suitable clothing, and adequate shelter.

A Survivalist's Guide to Fear-Based Financial Markets

December 14, 2023
Survivalists in the financial realm need to be prepared for various seasons—some marked by fear and others by greed.

The EarthRoamer: Your Ultimate Companion for Off-Grid Adventures and Survival

November 17, 2023
More than just a mode of transportation, EarthRoamers are packed with features designed to navigate remote terrains and provide a self-sufficient haven in times of need. Understand the essential features of EarthRoamers, why they are a crucial investment for both preppers and survivalists, and how they ensure they stay one step ahead in any unforeseen circumstance.

The Role of Cash and Other Valuable Resources

July 31, 2023
From the necessity of cash as a lifeline during crises to the significance of other resources such as food, water, medical supplies, and energy sources; we explore how survivalists can secure their long-term well-being.

Survival Vehicles: Essential Amenities, Modifications, and Types

July 10, 2023
For preppers, having a reliable and well-equipped vehicle is crucial for survival in emergency situations and post-apocalyptic scenarios. Whether you're preparing for natural disasters or planning to embrace an off-grid lifestyle, selecting the right vehicle and modifying it to meet basic survival standards can significantly enhance your chances of sustaining when SHTF.

New Florida State Gun Law of 2023

June 29, 2023
There is a new gun law taking place in the state of Florida beginning July 1, 2023. Passed into law in April 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 543 and Senate Bill 150, changing the requirements for gun carry permits. It is no longer required that persons need a permit to carry a concealed firearm in Florida, nor do they require training or background check.

Desperation - The Ugly Side of Humanity

February 28, 2023
Desperation brings out the worst in humanity, maybe even more than greed. When forced into a survival situation, people are capable of committing acts they would never have otherwise considered.

Identifying Misinformation and Propaganda

Tech Geek
February 22, 2023
The ability to identify misinformation and propaganda on the internet can save you from unnecessary stress and anxiety. Misinformation and propaganda are powerful tools people with little or no integrity use to polarize public opinion and promote violence, extremism, and hate speech.

Surviving a Fall Through the Ice

January 31, 2023
As winter arrives, most families have plans to enjoy winter activities like ice fishing, ice hockey, ice skating, snowball fights, skiing, and more. As a prepper, the first thing one should consider is “What if I fall through the ice?

Phishing 101: What You Should Know

Tech Geek
January 26, 2023
As technology progresses, phishing and hacking attempts are ever growing. Getting caught by a Phisher-man can happen to anyone who has access to technology, especially those that do not know the proper signs and precautions.

Surviving a Snowstorm

January 23, 2023
Winter is undoubtedly one of the most magical seasons and a favorite of many people across the world; but what happens when the gentle cascading snow abruptly evolves into a deadly blizzard or snowstorm?

How Not to Be Tracked Online

Tech Geek
January 20, 2023
Don’t you find it quite amazing and a little disturbing how unique ads are sent to you about an item you talked about or searched for online? This phenomenon has become frequent and too spot on to be a coincidence. The simple truth is, once you are on the internet, you are being monitored, and your relevant information is generally used to make your internet experience more pleasurable and worthwhile.

Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft

Tech Geek
October 13, 2022
To think someone else can assume your identity and access your most private information and resources is scary. Thankfully, there are many ways to prevent this from happening to you.

The Dos & Don'ts During a Hurricane

September 10, 2022
While not all hurricanes are severe and deadly, it would be silly and reckless to treat any category of hurricane casually. There are some standard dos and don’ts to adhere to during a hurricane. While these guidelines can depend on the storm category, if you want to err on the side of caution, these should be adhered to no matter the severity.

Survival Uses for Tarps

August 29, 2022
A tarp performs a multitude of functions. It primarily functions to protect from rain, sunlight, and other elements. Tarps can also become a fundamental part of your survival supplies, in which case it can be referred to as a survival tarp.

The 411 on Carbon Monoxide

August 16, 2022
Carbon monoxide is a part of our everyday life; we regularly come in contact with it in both large and small quantities. However, it is imperative that we keep our interactions with carbon monoxide to a minimum. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, and when this gas accumulates in your bloodstream, it can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning or even death.

Firearm Safety

August 14, 2022
While owning a firearm could be incredibly useful for the safety of you and your family, access to such powerful weapons come with some responsibility. Guns are powerful weapons and whether loaded or not loaded, you are expected to handle it safely.

Wildfire Evacuation: Knowing When to Bug Out

August 11, 2022
Wildfires are either natural occurring disasters or man-made. It can appear suddenly, do irreparable damage, and last for hours, and in some cases, even days or weeks. This leaves people in its path with more than enough time to evacuate their homes. Knowing when to bug out, is the key.

What it Means to be a Gray Man

Gray Man
June 21, 2022
In life, you're told to stand out from the crowd, but in a SHTF scenario, that's the last thing you want to do. Instead you want to blend-in and be unnoticed.

What COVID-19 has Taught Us About Survival

September 15, 2021
COVID-19, without a doubt, was the most life-altering event of recent times. Although it is not the first pandemic to target mankind, it is the first large-scale outbreak since the dawn of the 21st century. The last pandemic before COVID was the Spanish flu, which took place in the early 1900s.

Surviving a Hurricane

August 30, 2021
With these storms having the ability to bring on a deadly situation, it is silly not to take them seriously. As natives of Florida, the team members at Prepper Life are used to hurricane season and can often forget how unpredictable and dangerous they can be.

How to Protect Yourself Against an Active Shooter

May 17, 2021
Most normal people do not intentionally walk into a life-threatening situation like an active shooting scene. Scenarios like this are unpredictable and creep up on you with little to no warning. Hopefully, you never have to encounter this, but if you do, it is important to be armed with the proper knowledge.

Australia Brush Fires

January 8, 2020
Australia is reeling from continent wide brush fires. The fires have been continuous since September 2019. Australia’s southeast coast has been hit the hardest, but nearly all of the island has been ravished by wildfires; some set accidentally and others deliberately. Over 20 million acres across the country have burned so far, and there are still months to go in this 2019-2020 fire season.

Iran Retaliation Threat

January 5, 2020
On Jan 2nd, Trump ordered an airstrike targeting and killing Major General Qasem Soleimani of Iran. A military drone destroyed the vehicle Qasam was travelling in as he and Iran-backed militia members were leaving the Baghdad airport.

Tesla Cybertruck – New Bug Out Vehicle?

November 23, 2019
Typically Telsa only comes to mind in SHTF scenarios because they are electric cars. The new Cybertruck however, checks a few more boxes when being considered as a bug out vehicle.

Surviving A Flood

August 10, 2016
When flood conditions are present, you’ll want to rely on your evacuation plan to get you to a point of safety. While monitoring weather conditions, determine what triggering event will cause you to implement your plan. Will it be the issuing of a flood warning, or will you leave whenever a watch is announced?

Following the Railroad

April 20, 2016
In your normal life as you know it now, following the railroad tracks can often be dangerous for a number of different reasons. However, just like the roads that we do travel every day, railroad tracks crisscross the nation.

House Fire Prevention

April 11, 2016
House fire prevention begins with understanding the most common causes of house fires and taking precautions to avoid these situations.

Survival: Nourishment

December 7, 2015
Survival in a disaster situation will ultimately come down to finding safety and the procurement of food and water. In this article we discuss the basic tactics for obtaining nourishment for survival over the course of several or more days.

Survival: Hydration

September 13, 2015
We don’t really appreciate how much water we use, until we don’t have it to use anymore. Water is the keystone to all survival – we cannot live more than a couple days without it, we cannot raise crops or livestock without it, and we cannot keep clean and free of diseases without it.

Survival: Shelter

June 6, 2015
While you can survive a few nights out in the open during the warm summer months, it isn’t an option once the temperature begins to drop. Shelter generally means staying out of the elements, but it also includes the ability to stay warm and dry.